Aswin kumar

 /  Feb 24, 2023

How to build a website in 10 minutes

Step-by-step guide on how to create a website in 10 minutes

How to build a website in 10 minutes
Meta Title
How to build a website in 10 minutes
Meta Keywords
website builder, website, blog, notion
Meta Description
Step-by-step guide on how to create a website in 10 minutes

How to build a website in 10 minutes

In today's world, there is a huge demand for websites. E-commerce, online businesses, startups and small and medium-sized enterprises all need websites. But building a website is no easy task.
While there are many blog posts on how to build a website instantly, few of them provide practical solutions to build a website instantly. This blog will therefore delve into the step-by-step procedure to build a website in 10 minutes.

Step 1: Choose a template from Bullet gallery

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Sign up with and choose a template for your landing page from the Bullet’s template gallery.

Step 2: Duplicate it in your Notion page

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After choosing a template that suits your brand, duplicate it into your Notion workplace by clicking Duplicate on the top right corner of the template.

Step 3: Customize it with quality content

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Add H1s, H2s and other content into your template. Don’t miss out on adding relevant images, GIFs and a proper CTA. You can use free AI writing tools like or to generate high quality landing page content.

Step 4: Paste your Notion url in Bullet’s dashboard and Publish

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  • Click “Share” on the top right corner, toggle the “share to web” and copy the url
  • Paste it in Bullet’s dashboard, fill up the sub-domain and other elements and hit “Create”
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There you have it. Anyone can create a website in 10 minutes with just Notion and Bullet.